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Exercise Now or Pay Tomorrow

Exercise Now or Pay Tomorrow

Physical exercise plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and overall well-being. It is widely acknowledged that regular exercise offers numerous benefits, including improved cardiovascular

Sleep is for the weak

Sleep is for the weak

I wake up every morning to a WhatsApp message, usually sent between the hours of 1 a.m. and 3 a.m. that says “Sleep is for the weak”. A classmate wakes up in the middle of each night to put

My Health My Everyday Life

My Health My Everyday Life

In today’s fast-paced world, where time seems to slip away from our grasp, it is easy to overlook the importance of our health. We often get caught up in the demands of our daily lives, juggling

Drinking Our Livers to Scar

Drinking Our Livers to Scar

Alcohol is the magic elixir that makes everything seem better. From parties to dinners, alcohol has been a staple of every social gathering for centuries. Millions of people all over the world enjoy it

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